DEV TEAM UPDATE. Dear Community.

17 Oct 2022, 11:10
DEV TEAM UPDATE 🧠 Dear Community. As part of our ongoing effort to shine a light on our development team's progress, please find the latest info about what the team is working on from the stuff we can share publicly: - Ownables alpha is progressing nicely, we are currently adding the API updates which include our Event Chain 2.0 - The above will then be added to the Ownables Demo and it’s basically done - The team has updated the Proofi demo to have a guided tour system. - We are now drafting the text for the Proofi NFT demo guided tour. - We made a deadline for when to finished Proofi 1.0 - In light of the massive recent activity, Arnold and I are monitoring our tokenomics for any potential minor improvements. - We are looking at our land registration codebase more heavily and will share some info about this soon - Marketing is working with Dev team to create some visual assets to be used in public messaging about the various projects